Friday, April 23, 2010

Assignment #4 (Google Docs, Skype and Nings)

I found this assignment to be useful. I could make connections to both Skype and google docs. I had never heard of "Nings"before. I viewed them to my like an individual social networking site, an almost private , invitation only version of Facebook. I noticed that "Ning"is also going to begin charging money to use their site. I did not find Ning to be especially useful to me at this point. However, next year at this time, Ning could be the "in" and "hot" social networking site.

I have heard about Skype for a few years now. I know that it is being used in the classroom and I also know that businesses use this tool. I was once in staff development and Patti Sullivan used skype to contact her daughter who was studying abroad. Very cool. My husband actually skypes into to daily sales meetings now and as a family we use skype to communicate with my brother-in-law and his family who live in Los Angeles. I also heard of a Hilton high school teacher using skype to connect with a classroom at Eastridge. I am not sure of the class, but I think that the two schools did a combined lesson of some sort.

Skype has really made it possible for people to connect. I think this is another great example of a networking tool, that can appeal to everyone. It is so amazing that we can connect with people from our homes or classrooms. I think this type of technology has been especially beneficial to people whose families live out of town or state. And of about the military? How amazing this has been to military families??? I think this technology is great and I only hope that it becomes better.

In addition to completing the Google Docs lesson, I also took a mini-tutorial on google docs during our recent Superintendents Day conference. I never knew that so much existed on google. I loved learning about the calendars, and google alerts etc. I have a lot more to learn about google docs and need to devote some time to it. After this class, I am considering purchasing the apple itouch or ipad- as I want to be able to apply the things that I am learning to the technology.

In my opinion, the invention of google, google docs and skype have really made life less chaotic for many and really encouraged relationship building and collaboration with people in all parts of the world.

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