Monday, May 24, 2010

Assignment #6- School 2.0 Ecosystem

I really enjoyed learning about the "School 2.0". I have heard many things this year about 21st century skills and the HCSD. I have not had any formal instruction on this and it was great to learn more. I am impressed by how current our district is with technology and the community. Our teachers use blogging, websites, elmos, smart boards, wikis, podcasting, twitter accounts, cell phone polling, etc. for our students. We recently opened the parent portal for grades. This is another great example of how we are continuing to "move forward" with technology. I liked everything that was on the map. I would like to see the textbook dollars reallocated and given to technology. I would love to see every student have their own laptop. I think this would be amazing.
I would like to see a way to hold all parents accountable for learning the technology and getting involved. I know that we recently opened the parent portal at MW and some parents do not know that it exists and how to use it. Their children know that it is there, but the parents do not. I think that we need to educate all parents and community members. We need to hold them accountable for the education of tomorrows leaders.


  1. Way to give Kudos to our district! = )

  2. I used the cell phone voting poll site, and it was a great success. I also would love, LOVE to have each student equipped with a laptop. great thought.

  3. Nice! at my school we have had parent access for a few years and it certainly took awhile for all parents to catch on, but once it did it has made life so much easier for us! The parents are more likely to look at their child's grades and put the responsibility on the student, not the teacher, if they are poor. The kids are also taking a lot more initiative to keep up with assignments!

    To increase interest we did a lot of workshops during open houses and pt conferences. That got people involved. How great!

  4. I really don't think that it will be that long before elementary students are coming to school with their own laptops or netbooks. After all, five years ago it was unheard of for a child to have a cell phone and now they all do!
