Sunday, January 10, 2010

Video Resource Review

I have to admit that I am feeling like there is not enough time in the day for technology. I feel as though things are moving too fast and I really need to catch up!!! There is so much out there for teachers and students.

I began this assignment by listening to the podcast by Wesley. I enjoyed listening to him because he has an extremely realistic view on education. Wesley appears to be a great educator whose intention is to help students make more connections by using the internet. I feel like his website may be better for older students.
Teacher tube is my favorite site. I loved "combing" through of all the different videos. I loved all of the student videos!! I know that one of our student teachers used this site often. I think this site is great for students and teachers. Actually, I stayed on this site for awhile learning about the devastation from Hurricane Ike in Texas. The video's were produced by teenagers who live in the area. I actually thought about having my students watch these.
I am not overly interested in youtube. I feel as though it is too risky to use in the school setting. I know that the studnets love it, but it is such a gamble-not knowing what your search will produce. I am also not happy that EVERYTHING can be posted on this site. For example last year we had a fight at our school and within hours it was posted on youtube. I am not into this type of thing.
Working in a special eduation classroom, I have been trying to think about how I could best use these resources. I think that I begin using teachertube to work with my students on current events. I could also use it to help with grammar in languages other than English.
I feel like I have a lot to do.

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